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Страхи молодых мам

Автор: Тема:
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Доброго времени суток, дорогие читатели блога! Сегодня мне хотелось бы поговорить с вами о страхах молодых мам и что с ними можно сделать.
Вы 9 месяцев носили под своим сердцем ребеночка, ждали его появления… И вот он, кроха, рядом с вами. И тут молодых неопытных мам начинают преследовать страхи. Какие это страхи и что с ними делать?

1. Страх остаться наедине с ребенком

Родившийся ребенок кажется таким беззащитным и беспомощным, что мамы боятся остаться с ним наедине. Побороть такой страх поможет время-оставшись наедине с ребенком один раз, два, три, страх постепенно уйдет, к тому же ребенок будет расти и уже не будет казаться таким беспомощным.

2. Страх болезни ребенка

Многие мамы паникуют, когда малыш заболевает. Он не может рассказать, что у него болит, но так истошно плачет, что молодая мама готова тоже рыдать навзрыд. Ребенок из внутриутробной жизни перешел в новую и его может беспокоить множество причин. Тут мой совет молодым мамам один-вызвать врача на дом и таким образом получить квалифицированный совет специалиста.

3. Страх купания

Мамы боятся первый раз купать ребенка-он не умеет сам контролировать свои движения, хаотично дергает руками и ногами, мама боится выронить его из рук в воду. На самом деле страшного в этом, даже если вы и уроните ребенка, ничего нет. Новорожденный ребенок еще не утратил умение плавать и не успеет захлебнуться.

4. Страх, когда ребенок подавился.

Действительно это может показаться страшным зрелищем-ребенок кашляет, кричит, синеет, в его глазах ужас. Мама должна изучить способы оказания первой помощи, чтобы в любой момент суметь помочь своему ребенку.

5. Как первый раз взять ребенка на руки

Здесь главный страх мамы в том, что она может уронить ребенка. Этот страх исчезает с опытом со временем

6. Страх, когда ребенок плачет

Ребенок не может объяснить причину своего плача и у мамы в голове роятся разные мысли: Заболел? Что-то болит? Холодно? Мокрый? Очень хорошо, когда есть к кому обратиться-специалист, детский врач, опытная мама

7. Страх внезапной детской смерти

Есть статистика, что в течении первого месяца жизни определенный процент новорожденных погибает в результате внезапной остановки дыхания. Причины до сих пор до конца не исследованы, но факт остается фактом. Мамы просыпаются несколько раз за ночь, прислушиваются к дыханию ребёнка. Не стоит паниковать, верьте, что с вашим ребенком подобного не случится. И отгоняйте подобные мысли прочь.

8. Страх перед прививками

Мамы боятся, что их ребенку делают больно, он плачет. Но не стоит переживать-это защитная мера от инфекций и после прививки, оказавшись у мамы на ручках, ребенок сразу успокаивается. На некоторые прививки может быть реакция в виде температуры-заранее обговорите все нюансы с врачом

9. Он развивается не так, как его ровесники

Мамы первенца восторженно рассказывают о том, как развивается их малыш, сколько он весит, на сколько подрос, что у него появился первый зубик и т д. Но вы должны понимать, что каждый ребенок имеет свои сроки развития и о нормах или отклонениях вам может сказать только врач после обследования

10. Страх внешнего вида ребенка

Этот страх преследует молодых мам, когда они впервые видят своего малыша: он может быть желтым, с непонятной сыпью, казаться опухшим, узкоглазым и т д. Но поверьте, что ребенок в течении месяца станет красавцем.
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Коментариев к статье: 73

  • Frankmoota 03 октября 2023 | 18:51

    European countries have long been famous for their factory development and technological innovation. In final decades, it and components from Europe have become fashionable throughout all over the world thanks to their reliability, advanced technologies and strict standards quality.

    1. Innovation in Design and Technology

    European companies that specialize in the production of industrial equipment, continuously introduce innovations in design and technology. Modern automation systems, smart ruling solutions and efficient production processes make equipment from Europe necessary in the world market.

    2. Highest Standards Qualities

    European countries exacting monitor standards quality, which guarantees highest level of production and long service life of industrial equipment. Certification systems and conformity testing ensure that each product meets high safety and performance requirements.

    3. Environmental Comparability and Energy Efficiency

    Modern industrial equipment from Europe is also renowned for its environmental compatibility and energy efficiency. Companies are actively wanting to do and implement solutions aimed at reducing the negative impact on the environmental environment and optimizing energy consumption.

    4. Flexibility and Custom Adaptation

    Industrial Equipment from Europe is flexible and adaptable to different production requirements. This enables companies to effectively implement new technological processes, optimize processes and satisfy specific customer needs.

    5. Worldwide Recognition and Trust

    The products of European industrial equipment manufacturers have gained worldwide recognition and trust. It is strongly connected not only with the quality of products, but also with the highest level of service provided by companies and customer support at all stages of cooperation.

    Conclusion http://t4cbible.com/fonts/pages/?precision_insight_and_calibration_excellence__exploring_the_keyence_op_87710_microscope_with_calibra.html

    European it and components continue to be at the forefront of global production. Innovation, quality and reliability make them a desired choice for businesses across the world committed to optimizing their production processes and increasing the efficiency of own operations.

  • Frankmoota 03 октября 2023 | 21:04

    European countries have long been famous for their industrial development and technological innovation. In final decades, industrial equipment and components from Europe have become fashionable throughout the world because of their reliability, advanced technologies and demanding standards quality.

    1. Innovation in Design and Technology

    European companies that specialize in the production of industrial equipment, constantly introduce innovations in design and technological processes. Modern automation systems, smart ruling solutions and effective production processes make equipment from Europe in demand in the world bazaar.

    2. Highest Standards Properties

    European countries exacting monitor standards quality, which guarantees highest level of production and long service life of industrial equipment. Certification systems and conformity testing ensure that each product meets high safety and performance requirements.

    3. Environmental Comparability and Energy Efficiency

    Modern industrial equipment from Europe is also renowned for its environmental compatibility and energy efficiency. Companies are intensively wanting to do and implement solutions aimed at reducing the negative impact on the environmental environment and optimizing energy consumption.

    4. Flexibility and Custom Adaptation

    Industrial Equipment from Europe is flexible and adaptable to different production requirements. This enables enterprises to effectively implement new technological processes, optimize processes and satisfy specific customer needs.

    5. Worldwide Recognition and Trust

    The products of European industrial equipment manufacturers have gained worldwide recognition and trust. It is connected not only with the quality of products, and also with the highest level of service provided by companies and customer support at absolutely all stages of cooperation.

    Conclusion https://www.eatingwithkirby.com/news/5_elementarnyh_privychek_kotorye_sposobny_izmenity_ghizny.html

    European industrial equipment and components continue to be at the forefront of global production. Innovation, quality and reliability make them a coveted choice for businesses across the world committed to optimizing their production processes and improving the efficiency of own operations.

  • Frankmoota 03 октября 2023 | 22:58

    European countries have long been famous for their factory development and technological innovation. In final decades, it and components from Europe have become fashionable throughout the world because of own reliability, advanced technologies and demanding standards quality.

    1. Innovation in Design and Technology

    European companies specializing in the production of industrial equipment, all the time introduce innovations in design and technological processes. Modern automation systems, smart ruling solutions and efficient production processes make equipment from Europe necessary in the world bazaar.

    2. Highest Standards Properties

    European countries demanding monitor standards properties, which guarantees highest level of production and long lifetime of industrial equipment. Certification and conformity testing provide assurance that each product meets high safety and performance requirements.

    3. Environmental Comparability and Energy Efficiency

    Modern industrial equipment from Europe is also renowned for its environmental compatibility and energy efficiency. Companies are actively developing and implement solutions aimed at reducing the negative impact on the environmental environment and optimizing energy consumption.

    4. Elasticity and Custom Adaptation

    This from Europe is flexible and adaptable to different production requirements. This enables enterprises to effectively implement new technologies, improve processes and satisfy specific customer needs.

    5. Worldwide Recognition and Trust

    The products of European industrial equipment manufacturers have gained worldwide recognition and trust. It is connected including with the quality of products, and with the highest level of service provided by companies and customer support at all stages of cooperation.

    Conclusion https://togoutlet.com/news/precision_redefined__introducing_the_keyence_ml_z9610_3_axis_co2_laser_marker.html

    European it and components continue to be at the forefront of global production. Innovation, quality and reliability make them a coveted choice for businesses around the world committed to optimizing their production processes and improving the efficiency of their operations.

  • Frankmoota 04 октября 2023 | 00:28

    European countries have long been famous for their factory development and scientific and technical innovation. In recent decades, it and components from Europe have become popular throughout the world because of their reliability, advanced technologies and demanding standards properties.

    1. Innovation in Design and Development

    European companies specializing in the production of industrial equipment, continuously introduce innovations in design and technology. Modern automation systems, smart ruling solutions and efficient production processes make equipment from Europe necessary in the world market.

    2. Highest Standards Qualities

    European countries strictly monitor standards properties, which guarantees high level of production and long lifetime of industrial equipment. Certification systems and conformity testing ensure that each product meets high safety and performance requirements.

    3. Environmental Compatibility and Energy Efficiency

    Modern industrial equipment from Europe is also renowned for its environmental compatibility and energy efficiency. Companies are intensively wanting to do and implement solutions aimed at reducing the negative impact on the surrounding environment and optimizing energy consumption.

    4. Flexibility and Custom Adaptation

    This from Europe is flexible and adaptable to different production requirements. This enables companies to effectively implement new technologies, optimize processes and satisfy specific customer needs.

    5. Worldwide Recognition and Trust

    The products of European industrial equipment manufacturers have gained worldwide recognition and trust. It is strongly connected including with the quality of products, but also with the highest level of service provided by companies and customer support at absolutely all stages of cooperation.

    Conclusion https://heatherparker.com/articles/vuototecnica__pioneering_vacuum_solutions_for_industry_advancement.html

    European industrial equipment and components continue to be at the forefront of global production. Innovation, quality and reliability make them a coveted choice for businesses across the world seeking optimizing their production processes and increasing the efficiency of their operations.


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